Finally! After many distractions, the software for my first kit is complete. The Door Prize Chooser / Three Dice Thrower is complete. Much like the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, the center of the front panel says "Everyone is a winner!" which I hope describes the function of the kit.
The kit has 2 functions. If you turn it on and wait, you will see the 3 digits of the display just rolling around. I call that "eye candy". If you then press one of the 3 front panel buttons, you can step the numbers up from 0 to 999 to enter the highest random number you want to choose. Once you have selected a number, just wait 4 or 5 seconds and that number will start blinking in the display. Now press any button for a short period of time and then release it. You will see a number between 1 and the number you entered, inclusive. Each additional press of a button will result in the display showing you a new random number in the selected range.
The second function replaces the function of 1 to three 6 sided dice. Press any combination of the 3 buttons and turn on the power switch. The display will tell you that you are in the DICE mode. When you release the button(s), the display will show a zero or zeros. Now press any button and you will get a random roll of 1 to 3 dice shown on fhe display.
Of course it you forget and leave the unit on, it will power itself down so that the battery is conserved.
The kit comes with a 2 sided board plus all the parts, screws, nuts a front panel, in fact everything you need except for glue to hold on the front panel. All of that is explained in the docs that you can download from the web page. Or send email to and I'll send a PDF of the docs.
Joe Jarrett
New Guide: Animating Animatronics
4 hours ago
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